Monthly Meditation Journeys

Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? Take a moment to unwind and restore your inner balance with our soothing and healing meditations.

🌳 Join our Monthly Meditation Journeys for daily heart-centered meditations designed to nourish your mind, body, and soul. 

Limited Time Offer of $9 USD/mo

Hello Beautiful Soul,
A heartfelt welcome from the MeTime Meditations community to YOU! ❤️ We're thrilled to invite you on a transformative journey into the heart-centered realm of love, peace, joy and abundance.

Each daily meditation invites you into your heart-space, where you effortlessly absorb fresh insights and messages of love, peace, joy, health, and abundance.

With every new day, you'll find yourself embracing life more from your heart and less from your mind, and that's where your transformation happens.

Our meditations blend powerful techniques of meditation, mindfulness, and hypnosis, effortlessly guiding you into a state of heart-centered receptivity and relaxation.

MeTime Meditations will empower you to...

LET GO of whatever holds you back in life, and

LET IN the peace, strength, health, confidence and energy that will allow you to transcend into the greatest version of yourself.

As you listen...

Simply be willing to shift your perspective.

Be willing to see yourself and the world differently.


Your transformation begins on the inside first, and then expands outward, to the external, physical dimension.

As within, so without.

Immerse yourself in our heart-centered meditations designed to care for your soul, encourage self-love, and guide you toward a greater version of YOURSELF.

By turning our gaze inward, we tap into the truth of who we are, fostering a deeper connection with our body, mind, heart, and soul.

Transformative Benefits Await:

🌈 Release outdated patterns and limiting beliefs.

🌟 Make room for inner wisdom and inspiration to light your path.

💖 Cultivate a daily practice of compassion toward yourself and others.

🌿 Gain respite from life's hustle, fostering a more present and peaceful you.

Members Receive:

✨ Unlimited access to 30 heart-centered meditations monthly. Each month features a different theme.

✨ Daily emails and meditations tailored to meet you where you are, setting the tone for a day of peace, presence, and expansion.

✨ Access to a caring, supportive community through private discussion boards.

✨ Monthly bonuses, including a hypnosis meditation, a sleep meditation for restful nights, and a curated music selection for a zen atmosphere.

How It Works:

🌟 New Theme Each Month: Every month, we focus on a different topic, and you get 30 meditation sessions related to that theme.

📧 Daily Email: You'll get an email every day with a link to your daily meditation. This starts on the first day of the month.

🔒 Access Anytime: All your 30 meditations are stored in your member area. You can listen to them whenever you want, and there's no limit.

🎧 Your Choice: You can listen to one meditation each day, or if you prefer, you can explore the entire set all at once. It's up to you.

📅 Joining Mid-Month: If you join in the middle of the month, you'll receive emails until the end of that month. Then, you'll start fresh with a new set of meditations on the first day of the next month.

What Sets Us Apart:

MeTime Meditations is your catalyst for accelerated personal growth. Our heart-centered approach delivers positive messages directly to your heart, sidestepping the usual mind struggles. Shift your perspective effortlessly, unlocking a life of greater intuition and ease.

Diverse meditation styles (mindfulness, new age, spiritual, hypnosis, visualizations, affirmations, channeled messages, yoga nidra) converge with a strong focus on the heart-center – your power hub and connection to all of life. Each meditation is infused with a soothing soundtrack featuring binaural beats, facilitating deep relaxation and receptivity.

Join Us Risk-Free:

Experience the MeTime Meditations membership without commitment (cancel anytime). 

Limited Time Offer of $9 USD/mo

Upcoming Themes for the 2024 Monthly Meditation Journeys:

July: Caring for Yourself!

August: Love, Gratitude and Abundance!

September: Compassionate Relationships!

October: Less Stress, More Ease!

November: Brand New Series (currently in development)! :)

December: Sunshine for the Soul!

Each Monthly Meditation Journey offers 30 meditations over 30 days.

Introducing your Host, Mary Freeth:

Hello, beautiful souls! I'm Mary Freeth, and I love to create heart-centered meditations that focus on love, peace, joy, health, and abundance. ❤️

I worked as a Registered Nurse for nearly three decades and looking back, I realize that most of my life revolved around the art and practice of caring for others. I cared for my children, my friends and my loved ones. I cared for my mother when she became sick and eventually passed away. I cared for my patients and my colleagues when they were going through life's difficult moments.

As I reflect back on those days, I wouldn't change a thing about the time and effort I have given to caring for others, but if someone had told me about the necessity of also giving care and love to my mind, body and soul during those years, I might have avoided some of the over-giving that eventually left me feeling depleted.

For me, it was such a huge relief when I finally found a way to rest and fill myself up again - through the healing practice of meditation.

Meditation was the one thing that turned my life around when I was on the road to burnout, fatigue and depression.

Back then, my new daily practice of meditation became a lifeline for me and, being a giver, I didn't want to keep it all to myself. I had to share the news. I had to let others know what I had found out.

I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I wanted, no needed, to help others find the relief, peace and happiness that I had found through the timeless practice of meditation, and so I dove into researching how to create highly effective and soothing guided meditations.

I signed up for a lot of courses and classes and after I learned all I could find to learn, I started creating meditations. I haven't stopped since and I have no intention of stopping. I love this work and I love creating beautiful and heart-centered meditations for those who are ready to give themselves the love and nurturing that is necessary in order to thrive in this world.

Here are the ingredients that I put into each guided meditation...along with a big dose of love of course... 

Because we are all unique, with different learning preferences, I incorporate a variety of meditation styles into our meditations.

You'll find aspects of mindfulness meditations, hypnosis therapy, visualizations, positive affirmations, breathwork, yoga nidra, as well as my own inspired writings that often flow through me and into my journal during my personal meditation time.

I sought out the best composer and musician (in my opinion) for the soothing background music - the amazing Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

And here's the cherry on top - a big reason why these meditations are so highly effective... I add in binaural beats and brainwave entrainment technologies to help you sink into a deep and receptive state of relaxation. 

What you will find here is unlike the other 'big box' and impersonal online meditation programs and apps that are out there. I don't have a glamorous sales page and I don't have a team of marketers and promoters making flashy promises.

There's just me...speaking from my your heart. 

I am here personally to welcome you and walk with you during each meditation. I have set up our online meditation sanctuary to give you a feeling of a small and intimate space that you might find in your local community.

Our members are comprised of beautiful souls from all over the world who have walked through our virtual doors and found rest and transformation within our welcoming meditative space of inclusion, warmth, comfort and peace.  

Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and inner peace? Join me in our meditation sanctuary today.

With love and peace,

Mary ❤️
Founder, MeTime Meditations

Here's what people are saying...

I had been feeling overwhelmed with life. I'm feeling centered, and calm now. I felt a big release, and now I feel so much lighter...thank you.
Hi, thank you so much for the personal response! I am delighted with the meditations. This is a HUGE support in each day. I seek you out morning, night and during the day for a lift or a calming. Thank you again. 
A great way to get focused before the day starts. It's like plugging into another power and staying connected all day, grounded in a sense. 
I've been wanting to find guided meditations with binaural beats and your meditations are fantastic. Your voice is just right for me and you’ve done an amazing job! Thank you.
It's been a long time since I last meditated, it feels good to be back. Thank you.
Was feeling sad today before meditation. It was very relaxing and soothing. After, I was calm and in better spirits.  
When I listen to your meditations, I feel so calm and connected to love.
You are an amazing guide, Mary. Your presence is peaceful and inspiring. Yes, peaceful and calm. I love the comfort of your consistent approach to getting into a meditative space, Mary.
I went straight to sleep after meditating last night, so peaceful and relaxed. Such a feeling of warmth throughout the body. Thank you.

Join Our Warm and Welcoming Community:

Experience profound shifts, as seen in the heartfelt testimonials from our global community. 

Limited Time Offer of $9 USD/mo

Frequently Asked Questions:

🌱 What's the cancellation policy?

You can cancel your membership at any time and you won't be charged again. To cancel, simply send us an email ( and we'll process your cancellation right away.

🌱 I'm not on Facebook, is there a place for me to interact with the group?

Yes! We have discussion boards where you can post, ask questions, reply to others, etc. inside each section and below every meditation. These do not require Facebook and provide an active discussion forum among members.

More questions? Simply reach out via email ( We're always here to help.

Your Membership Includes:

  • Unlimited access to 30 calming meditations monthly.
  • Daily emails and meditations supporting all aspects of your life.
  • A private member-only area for enriching conversations with our wonderful community.
  • Monthly bonuses, including a hypnosis meditation, a sleep meditation, and a curated music selection.

About the July 2024 Meditation Journey:

I'm excited to invite you into our July 2024 meditation journey, featuring the 30 sessions of Caring for Yourself! 🌿

In these times of global uncertainty, self-care is no longer a luxury - it's a necessity.

Self-care is an important part of managing stress and can help you stay happy and healthy. Practicing self-care can also help you sleep better, improve focus, and strengthen relationships.

When you take good care of yourself, you have more energy, love and kindness to offer others.

For an optimal experience, I recommend using headphones, as the background music incorporates binaural beats and brainwave entrainment technology, fostering a relaxed and focused state.

The July meditations are:

Day 1 ~ Soothe and Comfort Yourself (13:23) 
Day 2 ~ Compassion for your Emotions (13:33) 
Day 3 ~ Radiant Love (15:55) 
Day 4 ~ Caring Hands (16:26) 
Day 5 ~ Positive Energy (17:33) 
Day 6 ~ Aligning with Health (16:00) 
Day 7 ~ Self-Kindness (15:55) 
Day 8 ~ Heart and Soul (16:00)
Day 9 ~ Self-Care Commitment (21:21)
Day 10 ~ Bringing your Mind Back from Thoughts (15:00) 
Day 11 ~ Accessing your Intuition (14:00) 
Day 12 ~ Exercise for Fun (21:00) 
Day 13 ~ Grounded and Flexible (14:14)
Day 14 ~ See Yourself in a New Light (15:00) 
Day 15 ~ Loving Your Body (12:28) 
Day 16 ~ Brain Power (18:18)
Day 17 ~ Balancing your Life (20:30) 
Day 18 ~ Calm Mind, Happy Body (20:00) 
Day 19 ~ Drinking Plenty of Water (13:33) 
Day 20 ~ Feeling Good about Yourself (19:19) 
Day 21 ~ Anytime Rejuvenation (22:44) 
Day 22 ~ Body Appreciation (14:10)
Day 23 ~ Ease Anxiety through Compassion (21:21) 
Day 24 ~ Confidence and Self-Esteem v.2 (20:00) 
Day 25 ~ Chakra Balancing (18:18) 
Day 26 ~ Intention to be Happy (13:33) 
Day 27 ~ Relax and Breathe (15:55) 
Day 28 ~ Self-Care Commitment #9 (13:45)
Day 29 ~ Four Healthy Boundaries (29:29)
Day 30 ~ Empowering Love (12:44)

Try the MeTime Meditations membership risk-free (cancel anytime)

8 Modules

Caring for Yourself ~ July 2024

July's 30-day meditation journey is ... Caring for Yourself ... 30 meditations over 30 days.

In these times of global uncertainty, self-care is essential. It helps manage stress, improve sleep, enhance focus, heal from losses, and strengthen relationships. When you take care of yourself, you have more energy, love, and kindness to offer others.

Sleep Meditation

In this bonus section, you will find a different sleep meditation every month.

Relaxing Music

In this bonus section, you will find a new selection of relaxing music every month.

Hypnosis Meditation

For a deeper experience, you will find a new hypnosis meditation in this bonus section each month.

Love, Gratitude and Abundance ~ August 2024

August's 30-day meditation journey is ... Love, Gratitude and Abundance! 

In this series, we will travel deep within ... into our inner state of love, gratitude and abundance.

We will systematically get rid of old limiting beliefs and replace them with the truth of our existence, which is this...

We are all beautiful beings of love and abundance.

As we spend time appreciating our true nature of love and abundance, we access the creative energy of the universe to bring our dreams, desires and wishes into our physical reality.


Your transformation begins on the inside first, and then expands outward, to the external, physical dimension. As within, so without.

Modules for this program 8
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 Limited Time Offer: $9 USD/mo [Regularly $14/mo]
 $9.00 USD  ( then $9.00 USD a month )

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