Founded by Mary Freeth in 2020, the Inner Circle is a peaceful online space dedicated to daily meditation practice. Our mission is to support you in caring for yourself, loving yourself, and expanding into the best version of YOU.
By joining the Inner Circle, you'll have access to over 230 meditations, suitable for all levels. Explore short daily practices, deep guided journeys, and theme-based series, while connecting with a global community.
You'll also receive full access to our Monthly Meditation Journeys, with daily emails and meditations.
Our MeTime Meditations library is designed to guide you toward living the life you truly desire.
✨ All the benefits of Monthly Meditation Journeys (starter membership) plus:
Prepare to unlock your inner power and step into the life you were meant to live—a life brimming with endless possibilities, love, peace, joy, health, and abundance.
As a valued member of the Inner Circle, you gain access to our complete and ever-growing collection of MeTime Meditations…and more! Each meditation invites you into your heart-space, where you effortlessly absorb fresh insights and messages of love, peace, joy, health, and abundance.
With each new day, you’ll find yourself embracing life more from your heart and less from your mind, and that’s where your transformation happens.
Our meditations blend powerful techniques of meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, affirmations, and hypnosis, effortlessly guiding you into a state of heart-centered receptivity and relaxation.
Prepare to unlock your inner power and step into the life you were meant to live—a life brimming with endless possibilities, love, peace, joy, health, and abundance.
MeTime Meditations will empower you to...
LET GO of whatever holds you back in life, and
LET IN the peace, strength, health, confidence and energy that will allow you to transcend into the greatest version of yourself.
As you listen...
Simply be willing to shift your perspective.
Be willing to see yourself and the world differently.
Your transformation begins on the inside first, and then expands outward, to the external, physical dimension.
As within, so without.
I have found the meditations from Mary Freeth to be supportive and nurturing on a daily basis.
This offering from Mary is so much more than a collection of pre-recorded meditations. Mary is available on a more personal level to stay connected and provide more focused meditations as needed.
The variety of meditations - topics and length - allow me to tap into what is most needed at the moment.
Over the past few months, I have found Mary's meditations have helped me find peace and comfort and I am so grateful.
I have also found a sense of awakening and motivation that has been life giving!
~ Mary Beth Garrett, USA
Hello, beautiful souls! I’m Mary Freeth, and I create heart-centered meditations focused on love, peace, joy, health, and abundance. ❤️
After nearly three decades as a Registered Nurse, I realize that most of my life revolved around the art and practice of caring for others. I cared for my children, my friends and my loved ones. I cared for my mother when she became sick and eventually passed away. I cared for my patients and my colleagues when they were going through life's difficult moments.
As I reflect back on those days, I wouldn't change a thing about the time and effort I have given to caring for others, but if someone had told me about the necessity of also giving care and love to my mind, body and soul during those years, I might have avoided some of the over-giving that eventually left me feeling depleted.
For me, it was such a huge relief when I finally found a way to rest and fill myself up again - through the healing practice of meditation.
Meditation was the one thing that turned my life around when I was on the road to burnout, fatigue and depression.
Back then, my new daily practice of meditation became a lifeline for me and, being a giver, I didn't want to keep it all to myself. I had to share the news. I had to let others know what I had found out.
I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I wanted, no needed, to help others find the relief, peace and happiness that I had found through the timeless practice of meditation, and so I dove into researching how to create highly effective and soothing guided meditations.
I signed up for a lot of courses and classes and after I learned all I could find to learn, I started creating meditations and sharing them online. I love this work and I love creating beautiful and heart-centered meditations for those who are ready to give themselves the love and nurturing that is necessary in order to thrive in this world.
Here are the ingredients that I put into each guided meditation...along with a big dose of love of course...
Because we are all unique, with different learning preferences, I incorporate a variety of meditation styles into our meditations.
You'll find aspects of mindfulness meditations, hypnosis therapy, visualizations, positive affirmations, breathwork, yoga nidra, as well as my own inspired writings that often flow through me and into my journal during my personal meditation time.
I sought out the best composer and musician (in my opinion) for the soothing background music - the amazing Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
And here's the cherry on top - a big reason why these meditations are so highly effective... I add in binaural beats and brainwave entrainment technologies to help you sink into a deep and receptive state of relaxation.
What you will find here is unlike the other 'big box' and impersonal online meditation programs and apps that are out there. I don't have a glamorous sales page and I don't have a team of marketers and promoters making flashy promises.
There's just me...speaking from my your heart.
I am here personally to welcome you and walk with you during each meditation. I have set up our online meditation sanctuary to give you a feeling of a small and intimate space that you might find in your local community.
Our members are beautiful souls from all over the world who have found rest and transformation within our welcoming, peaceful space.
Are you ready to begin your own journey of self-discovery and inner peace? Join me in our meditation sanctuary today.
With love and peace,
Mary ❤️
Founder, MeTime Meditations
P.S. We offer discounts for Seniors and those on a limited income. Email us at if you'd like more information or assistance.
Unlock the possibilities for a richer, more transformative life. Step into a world of peace, joy, and endless growth.
This heart-centered journey nurtures self-love, inner peace, and abundance, helping you open your heart to greater joy and possibilities.
The 30 meditations in this series will help you calm your mind and feel better in your body.
In these times of global uncertainty, self-care is no longer a luxury - it's a necessity.
When you take good care of yourself, you have more energy, love and kindness to offer others.
Welcome to 30 days of less stress, more ease.
Each meditation will bring you into your heart-space where you'll easily absorb fresh insights and messages of love, joy, peace, abundance and endless possibilities.
With each new day, you'll find yourself living more from your heart and less from your mind, and that's where your transformation happens.
These meditations all range from 10-15 minutes in length.
As you take this journey into greater presence and peace, you will find yourself living a more heart-centered life, and when this happens...
...may you remember to stay open to new opportunities and synchronicities that will be presenting themselves to you.
Fast-track your journey of awakening as you move with ease and grace into a life of deep purpose and fulfillment!
With all of the chaos, uncertainty and stress swirling around our planet at this time, we have an opportunity to choose HOW we want to show up in the midst of it all.
Each meditation will bring you into your heart-space where you'll easily absorb fresh insights and messages of love, joy, peace, abundance and endless possibilities.
With each new day, you'll find yourself living more from your heart and less from your mind, and that's where your transformation happens.
During this 30-day series, you will be connecting more deeply with your body, mind, heart and soul.
From this place of deep connection, you are able to release old patterns and belief systems that no longer resonate with your true essence.
As you gradually release the old, stagnant energies, you will be creating space for your inner wisdom and inspiration to rise up within you and guide you gently forward into a more expanded and authentic YOU.
The meditations in this series all range from 15-20 minutes in length.
This 30-day journey will focus on cultivating compassion, presence, and inner peace.
Take a slow and cleansing breath, as you realize that you are loved and supported, and everything will be okay... everything is okay.
Start your day with an infusion of light and love for your beautiful soul.
Transform your relationships through compassion and love, as you deepen your connections ... and establish healthy boundaries where needed.
Transform your body...from the inside out! Let your body be your faithful friend and fearless guide as you navigate your human life.
Release stress and anxiety as you open up to the 3 essential components of creating your desired life!
Transform your energetic relationship with money as you open your heart to allow more abundance and money into your human experience.
Finding Relief from Pain and Stress is a new series that I am creating by request from one of our dear members. The purpose is to provide comfort and support to those who are currently dealing with physical and emotional pain.
This series is still in draft form. I'm going to be narrowing it down to 30 meditations, but you'll see that there are more than 30 at this time.
If you'd like to try out some of these meditations and offer your suggestions on which ones you find most helpful (and most unhelpful) for those times when you are experiencing pain and stress, I am open to your feedback.
You are welcome to leave your feedback in the comment sections under the individual meditations.
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